Seattle, WA. Inspire Washington maintains the role of resource development and advocacy for science, heritage, and the arts after the merging of Cultural Access Washington and the Washington State Arts Alliance. It supports enrichment programs like the one seen above during a pre-covid event at the Pacific Science Center. Manuel R. Cawaling, Executive Director, continues to assist organizations across Washington state, navigating Covid-19 restrictions, clarifying informational updates, and making sample survey templates and advocacy resources accessible. A list of these resources can be found here: Covid-19 Advocacy and Resources

Inspire Washington encourages the spread of culture

Arts, Heritage, and Science Day is an opportunity for cultural advocates to gather together and meet legislators that support these communities. Inspire Washington provides tools for advocates to fully participate, with training and logistical support. In the past, this annual event has been held in Olympia, and included legislative briefings and a full day of workshops. This year, a tribute to arts, heritage and science has been scheduled for the first week of February, through a series of discussions preparing community leaders for funding meetings with lawmakers. The sessions will be held virtually: AH&S Informational Sessions

Among a cohort of funding organizations, Inspire Washington collaborated to survey the financial needs and analyze recovery measures in the cultural sector. These data summaries from a statewide cultural recovery survey and economic impact dashboard report the findings.

The Inspire Washington team has created a path for community leaders to get involved and represent Washington’s 49 districts together, including the following: writing a lawmaker a message, joining a district for legislative advocacy, and by signing up to advocate for culture in Washington state. Cawaling hosts meetings for cultural businesses to learn about pandemic relief and the ways to support science, heritage, and the arts. 

To help understand the ever changing developments related to Covid-19 relief, Inspire Washington hosts an office hour.

From Inspire Washington:

Mission: Inspire Washington nurtures the human spirit and strengthens communities by increasing access to science, heritage, and arts programming through advocacy, resource development, education, and coalition building.