Seattle, WA. One Day Wages is a nonprofit working to fight extreme poverty around the world. Based in Seattle, the organization’s slogan involves looking toward a better future, “One Day.” The nonprofit has international branches and is working to build awareness for issues in underdeveloped areas. It helps poverty-affected communities by providing educational and professional resources and opportunities. It collaborates with other non-profit organizations. Its most recent project is ‘Project #191 Clean and Safe Hands in Nicaragua’ in a partnership with El Porvenir. The goal was to highlight how inaccessible handwashing stations were to rural Nicaraguans. With the help of One Day Wages, they distributed 1,818 handwashing stations with soap to homes, schools, health posts, and health centers in need. This simple but critical intervention cost only $10 per handwashing station, and El Porvenir’s established network in 6 regions of Nicaragua allowed for quick and widespread response. With this third partnership between ODW and El Porvenir, we were able to reach 92,220 people in total with access to handwashing stations.” Ultimately, through their collective impact, 1 Water Point was built, and there was now more accessibility to clean water and sanitation areas to help prevent illness.

One Day Wages is providing awareness for children’s education, children’s health, emergency relief, gender-based violence, girls’ empowerment, global hunger, human trafficking, jobs & skills, maternal health, preventable disease, refugee relief, water & sanitation.
Here’s a video about the organization:
Currently, One Day Wages is holding a 12th annual gala with covid-safety measures by providing 3 opportunities: in-person, limited, and virtual. Their in-person event is in Sodo Park, their limited ‘Party-Style’ is a small gathering in the comfort of your own home with packages that include a party box sent to your address, and a Zoom accessible event with DIY activities.
In response to Covid-19, One Day Wages wrote ” One Day’s Wages has launched an emergency relief fund to respond to the spread of COVID-19 within some of the most vulnerable communities around the world. While the strain from the pandemic is tangible for all of us, we’re coming alongside communities in vulnerable places such as refugee camps, remote villages, and densely populated urban areas where the spread of the virus could have severe impact.” and “Through our partnership with RSKW, 1,800 individuals were provided with relief during the pandemic through direct relief, food support, proper sanitizing kits, masks, and protocols to prevent spread of Covid-19.”

A woman who has received an emergency covid-relief aid.
From One Day Wages:
As a grassroots movement, we are impacting communities and changing lives.
Whether it’s a young girl who no longer has to walk miles to collect water, a mother who can provide for her children thanks to business training, or a school that can now grow nutritious food for their students–our impact is far reaching–community focused–and always sustainable. But we aren’t just about granting money toward issues of poverty, we also want to inspire people to care about justice, and to take action through simple generosity. Because together, we truly believe we can alleviate extreme global poverty in our lifetime.