Plus One Foundation Offers Help to COVID-19 Survivors

Plus One Foundation Offers Help to COVID-19 Survivors

Seattle, WA. Located near Magnolia, Plus One Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving the community for children, adults, and in-between for those afflicted by neurological disorders and diseases. Plus One Foundation provides a multitude of resources, “We fund activities and experiences that offer education, rehabilitation, and training such as; art and music therapy, therapeutic horseback riding, integrated movement therapy, martial arts, meditation, yoga, and aquatic therapies.”

The nonprofit is also responding to Covid-19. “At Plus One, we acknowledge the severity of the virus. We are offering additional support and resources to those impacted. We encourage that every individual mask up, practice social distance, washes their hands, and gets vaccinated. From research, we’ve learned neurological disorders develop from COVID-19 as a result of the body’s immune response to the virus.” Plus One offers additional support and resources to COVID-19 survivors. You can find additional information and answers to any questions by emailing [email protected]

Here’s a list of programs the Plus One Foundation offers for people with neurological disorders and diseases:

Plus One offers a variety of grants that you can apply for! These grants can give aid to individuals affected by the long-term neurological effects of COVID-19.

ONE Grant — This is a one-time grant for people with neurological disorders that gives them a chance at a life-changing opportunity with up to $1000.

Occasions Grant — This grants daily or weekly activities, classes, and workshops that add joy and inspiration to these individuals’ lives.

Mermaid Pool Pass — This is a specific grant used to buy three-month, all-access swimming pool passes to the Seattle Public Swimming Pools.


Plus One Pals— Offers emotional support through our letters of love written by caring interns and volunteers. These times of uncertainty can be challenging, especially for COVID-19 survivors. Plus One is here to lift some of that fear and isolation through positive, hopeful affirmations.

Fulfillment Package — Offers meal options to those struggling financially from the pandemic.

The organization assists community members by providing “occasion grants” which provide weekly activities and classes for people with neurological disorders, the “ONE grant” which focuses on fulfilling a life-long wish or dream to “expand the experience of living” up to $1000.

Plus One Foundation also offers the “mermaid pool pass” which is a three-month, all-access pool pass for individuals with neurological disorders who want to liven their days with swimming activities at Seattle Public Swimming Pools.

With the volunteers, there is a lot of social outreach for those who may not have heard about these resources before, particularly with their work with Pen Pals. By sending letters of love to individuals who have been feeling lonely and isolated, especially due to the pandemic, by working with this program, Plus One Foundation was able to subset the feelings of desolation by replacing them with thoughtful and handwritten letters for those who need that extra emotional support to lift emotions of uncertainty.

Plus One Foundation showcasing its resources via social outreach.

However, due to the global pandemic, how has Plus One Foundation functioned amidst the crisis at hand? As pictured above, Plus One Foundation mentions, 2020 has been a tumultuous year for all of us, including us here at the Plus One Foundation. In spite of it all, we’ve continued our efforts to brighten people’s lives day by day, giving 200 food packs to the food insecure in Seattle, sending 500+ letters to those feeling isolated in long term residential care facilities, and of course, continuing our grants that provide therapies for our clients with debilitating neurological disorders.” Largely, Plus One Foundation focuses on providing grants, emotional support, and financial food packages filled with shelf-safe food for individuals who have been impacted by the pandemic.

As for events, they are offering a free ukulele class for individuals with neurological conditions with social distancing, masks, and adhering to Covid-19 safe guidelines.

From Plus One Foundation:

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), neurological disorders, ranging from epilepsy to Alzheimer’s disease, Traumatic Brain Injury to Multiple Sclerosis, affect up to one billion people worldwide. They affect people in all countries, irrespective of age, sex, education or income. More than 500 different conditions are considered neurological disorders. We have a lot of work to do.

The Plus One Foundation assists children and adults with a neurological injury, disorder, or disease to achieve goals, expand opportunities and ‘feed the soul’ through activities that offer education, rehabilitation and training. Plus One Foundation is also dedicated to assisting people that have had COVID-19.

We fund classes, workshops and life experiences that are proven to assist individuals on their path of rehabilitation and recovery but are rarely covered by insurance, such as; art and music therapy, therapeutic horseback riding, integrated movement therapy, martial arts, meditation, yoga, and aquatic therapies.

‘One Day Wages’ Continues International Work Throughout Pandemic

‘One Day Wages’ Continues International Work Throughout Pandemic

Seattle, WA. One Day Wages is a nonprofit working to fight extreme poverty around the world. Based in Seattle, the organization’s slogan involves looking toward a better future, “One Day.” The nonprofit has international branches and is working to build awareness for issues in underdeveloped areas. It helps poverty-affected communities by providing educational and professional resources and opportunities. It collaborates with other non-profit organizations. Its most recent project is ‘Project #191 Clean and Safe Hands in Nicaragua’ in a partnership with El Porvenir.  The goal was to highlight how inaccessible handwashing stations were to rural Nicaraguans. With the help of One Day Wages, they distributed 1,818 handwashing stations with soap to homes, schools, health posts, and health centers in need. This simple but critical intervention cost only $10 per handwashing station, and El Porvenir’s established network in 6 regions of Nicaragua allowed for quick and widespread response. With this third partnership between ODW and El Porvenir, we were able to reach 92,220 people in total with access to handwashing stations.” Ultimately, through their collective impact, 1 Water Point was built, and there was now more accessibility to clean water and sanitation areas to help prevent illness.

One Day Wages is providing awareness for children’s education, children’s health, emergency relief, gender-based violence, girls’ empowerment, global hunger, human trafficking, jobs & skills, maternal health, preventable disease, refugee relief, water & sanitation.

Here’s a video about the organization:

Currently, One Day Wages is holding a 12th annual gala with covid-safety measures by providing 3 opportunities: in-person, limited, and virtual. Their in-person event is in Sodo Park, their limited ‘Party-Style’ is a small gathering in the comfort of your own home with packages that include a party box sent to your address, and a Zoom accessible event with DIY activities.

In response to Covid-19, One Day Wages wrote ” One Day’s Wages has launched an emergency relief fund to respond to the spread of COVID-19 within some of the most vulnerable communities around the world. While the strain from the pandemic is tangible for all of us, we’re coming alongside communities in vulnerable places such as refugee camps, remote villages, and densely populated urban areas where the spread of the virus could have severe impact.” and “Through our partnership with RSKW, 1,800 individuals were provided with relief during the pandemic through direct relief, food support, proper sanitizing kits, masks, and protocols to prevent spread of Covid-19.”

A woman who has received an emergency covid-relief aid.

From One Day Wages:

As a grassroots movement, we are impacting communities and changing lives.

Whether it’s a young girl who no longer has to walk miles to collect water, a mother who can provide for her children thanks to business training, or a school that can now grow nutritious food for their students–our impact is far reaching–community focused–and always sustainable. But we aren’t just about granting money toward issues of poverty, we also want to inspire people to care about justice, and to take action through simple generosity. Because together, we truly believe we can alleviate extreme global poverty in our lifetime.



Seattle Art Museum Maintains Safety Precautions for Fullest Exhibition Experience

Seattle Art Museum Maintains Safety Precautions for Fullest Exhibition Experience

Seattle, WA. The Seattle Art Museum reopens to the grand public with new exhibitions and strict Covid-19 guidelines and policies to follow. Their newest exhibition piece is a small varied selection of carefully selected statement pieces from his debut to his best works by famous French impressionist painter, Claude Monet (1840-1926).

The beginning stages of the exhibition in preparation for guests on July 1st

The current exhibition, starting on July 1st and ending October 17th, features Claude Monet’s ten paintings he painted at a small fishing village, The Manneporte, or known as Étretat, in hopes of finding inspiration after a minor setback and painters block. Monet who had been financially insecure at this time needed something that would lead to a long-lasting impression and favorable results from collectors hitting the market. He needed to create paintings that were profitable, yet he recounted that most of his prior artworks were to be unfavorable and bad to him. What made this collection of paintings a hit in the world of artistry was the way that Claude Monet founded the style of an impressionism painting, which may be seen as a starting form of modernism. As most of his paintings focused on painting particular scenes of nature (landscapes or people) from the way that he understood and perceived it, his paintings painted at Étretat, focused on the livelihood and casual scenery of the most beautiful spots he chose to highlight during his trip.

Fishing Boats at Étretat, 1885, Claude Monet.

Claude Monet’s series of paintings made at Étretat focused on scenery, but what stood out was how, pictured below, he focused on the cliff at Étretat from a multitude of perceptions. Whether it was from a change in location from where he stood to paint, the highs or lows of the ocean tide that day, or if he decided to paint at daybreak or sunset. All of these variations were the precursor to his eventual growth into impressionism style painting, and this collection in particular is what stood him out from other artists at the time.

Another painting from Claude Monet’s Étretat painting anthologies.

But with such a popular exhibition, how would the Seattle Art Museum handle an influx of visitors while following covid-19 pandemic regulations while maintaining the fullest experience. Although the mask mandate in Washington State has been dropped only for vaccinated individuals; mask optional, meaning that unvaccinated individuals must still wear a mask at all times within the facility and social distance (suggested, but not enforced) as some of the areas are blocked off to the general public to avoid crowding. The places that have been closed off are “the entire south wing of the museum will be closed, including South Hall and South Hall restrooms, the Grand Staircase, the Chase Open Studio and the Ann P. Wyckoff Education Resource Center. The Bullitt Library and children’s play areas will also be closed.” They have also closed off certain entrances and exits to avoid too much foot traffic and have created one-way traffic signs for entry.

The Seattle Art Museum has added a new feature to impress individuals hoping the visit. By adding the interactive smartphone feature, users can listen to virtual letters written by Claude Monet and audited out loud for an interactive solo experience while touring the exhibition from start to last, from his selected five paintings from the Étretat painting anthologies.

The community has reacted positively, despite tour guides being unavailable, visitors can now enjoy the series of paintings, while also following a blueprint of where to go, all by themselves or in a small group. However, to ensure social distance and safety precautions as the pandemic is yet to be over, the Seattle Art Museum has decided to make certain exhibitions such as Monet at Étretat to be timed and limited, meaning that in order for all guests to have a chance to enjoy the exhibit, you cannot stay for too long. That is not the same for general admission, as you can stay for as long as you like. Overall, tickets to the Seattle Art Museum are open and available but online purchasing is the better route to go as only a small amount of in-person ticket purchasing will be available. The Seattle Art Museum states, “Advanced online timed tickets are encouraged and special exhibition tickets are likely to sell out. On-site tickets are available only if time slots are not sold out. Please arrive prior to your reserved ticket time. If you are more than 15 minutes late, we may not be able to accommodate entry.” The Seattle Art Museum is currently open from Wednesday to Sunday from 10-5.

From the Seattle Art Museum:

Suggested admission means visitors may choose to pay anything from a penny to $19.99 for general admission when they purchase tickets. General admission includes access to Collections and Installations at Seattle Art Museum and is suggested. Suggested admission tickets do not include entry to special exhibitions which have fixed pricing.

As for discounts, on the First Thursday of every month admission to the Seattle Art Museum is free! But general admission tickets tend to run out fast!


Northwest Screenwriters Guild Promotes Screenwriting Amid Pandemic

Northwest Screenwriters Guild Promotes Screenwriting Amid Pandemic

Seattle, WA. The Northwest Screenwriters Guild is a nonprofit organization aiding in further developing a screenwriter’s career by providing mentor support from the industry and show-business professionals, educational programs, and screenwriting events. Its mission statement is to, “promote professional screenwriting as a career across a broad range of ages, ethnic and gender identities, and experience levels in the Pacific Northwest.” They also hope to modernize old, traditional rules that dominated the falling industry of screenwriting.

Screenwriters from the organization reading aloud their perspective works.

Governed by a board of directors, with experience detailing screenwriting certifications to published authors or academic publications in healthcare, the Northwest Screenwriters Guild aims to advance the careers of screenwriting professionals and beginners to publish their developing stories and scripts to be on the big screen, such as for film or television, and other media, by helping them pitch to industry pros. Many compendium members have had their scripts developed onto the screen with hired actors for film festivals and submissions for awards in contests.

Screenwriters of the Northwest Screenwriters Guild rehearsing for their screenplays while adhering to a reading schedule.

When the scripts for screenplays are finished or drafted by compendium members, before they are submitted to film festivals or industry professionals for a chance to have live stage or on-screen performances, there are chances to further improve and receive critique on their screenplays. Due to the global pandemic, their services and events have shifted to a completely online remote environment, where on Tuesdays they promote a free  “Weekly Scene Analysis Workshop” from 6:30-8:30 PM that aims to “assist fellow screenwriters hone the craft of writing scenes—both action and dialogue—that are cinematic, engaging and correctly formatted.” Fellow professional screenwriters or beginners in the industry are to bring a 10-page draft of their screenplay for this particular workshop. They also have an upcoming event for current members on Thursday, July 22nd about the importance of entertainment law for the screenwriting profession. However, to attend the NwSG events and most partner events, individuals must pay a membership fee of $60, but they do get eligibility to be a compendium member and have an exclusive chance of pitch sessions with professional screenwriters or industry professionals.

Actors and performers from SAG-AFTRA who helped perform multiple characters from written screenplays by members of NWSG

From the Northwest Screenwriters Guild:

The Northwest Screenwriters Guild is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to advancing the careers of screenwriters, filling a major gap in the education and training available to screenwriters and filmmakers from across the spectrum, namely, how to take care of the business side of show business.

The newest generation of filmmakers will be pivotal. They consume—and create—film and video in huge volumes, in dozens of formats, on at least five form factors. The technological barriers to filmmaking have been reduced to nearly nothing, and so many of the old rules about when, where, and how audiences will watch the film have been shredded. These filmmakers will be at the leading edge of reinventing this industry yet again. We are here to help them get down to business.

Whether it’s a web series, TV, or feature films, breaking into the industry can be harder than writing a great script or making a great short film. While the barriers to filmmaking have crumbled, the barriers to becoming a professional filmmaker are as high as ever. To learn more, review the NwSG bylaws that govern the board.



Pacific Ballroom Dance Re-Opens After Covid-19 Pandemic

Pacific Ballroom Dance Re-Opens After Covid-19 Pandemic

Seattle, WA. Pacific Ballroom Dance has reopened its studio. The dance organization is a nonprofit focused on the performance of a variety of ballroom dances such as Latin and the Waltz. Pacific Ballroom Dance has been closed due to pandemic regulations, but now the organization is following covid-19 safe protocols. Teachers are able to coach in either private one-on-one lessons or small group lessons.

Ballroom dancing students of Pacific Ballroom Dance at a recent competition

Recently, sixteen students from Pacific Ballroom Dance, specializing in international Latin dance were asked to perform on an online platform with music chosen from the organizer for the California Open. In order for the judges to properly evaluate each couple (the leader and the follower) the body contact and each competitive dance per heat must be measured while being they are followed by a camera within a certain frame, at all times. And no post-recording editing is allowed to ensure fairness, and couples are judged by a live audience of judges who scan each frame carefully.

There are a lot of protocols to follow. For one-on-one instruction for a private lesson, there cannot be more than three individuals per studio space for two private lessons. All professional dancers, including beginners and instructors, are required to wear a CDC regulated mask at all times, complete Covid-19 screening questions for admission into the space and signing safety waivers forms, and must arrive already prepared in their training clothes/outfits as bathrooms and changing rooms are closed-off until further notice due to constrained space. They must also bring any personal supplies, as regulations have put a stop-onto sharing (such as utilizing the water fountain), and must social distance at all times until dismissed. Pacific Ballroom Dance has mitigated the pandemic quite well, particularly with strict enforcement of social distancing procedures, anyone with a temperature of over 100.4 degrees will be asked to stay home, and any use of public equipment or spaces will be thoroughly disinfected. For small group lessons, a similar premise arises for safety procedures. A large student capacity of no more than 14 people can use the large studio. Covid-19 screening questionnaire is heavily enforced, the temperature is taken, and regardless of an increase in space, students are not allowed to be accompanied by outside guests.

Couples on the dance floor must social distance for each heat.

Ballroom dancing is an interesting sport. Like other sports, students go through a similar process with nationals, finals, any type of competition-based performances called “opening’s” to increase their overall ballroom dancer rank. But due to the global pandemic, how did the dancers still stay in the game–dance professionally in front of judges, participate in front of judges amid the safety procedures called for?

Ballroom dancing students who participate in competitions must perform for an audience of judges while following safety protocols.

Recently for the 2021 Nationals for Ballroom dance, students from Pacific Ballroom Dance, although not in official formations, still performed for the National DanceSport Championships, and were able to successfully showcase their skills to win a couple of awards and medals. For most of the open events, the participants were smoothly able to make it to the quarter-finals. Ranging from Youth Smooth (waltz, tango, foxtrot) and Latin Dance to Adult Smooth and Latin Dance championship.

One of the many couples of the ballroom dancing contestants to perform in front of judges.

Due to recent positive developments from the global pandemic, Pacific Ballroom Dance offers free ballroom dance workshops on Tuesdays from 5:30-6:30 PM, an adult Latin dance night on Thursdays at 8:30 PM for the special month of July, and are hosting an upcoming event called the “Mid-summer extravaganza” from 7:30-10:00 PM on Saturday, July 31st for a chance for collective social dancing.

From Pacific Ballroom Dance:

Our mission is to build character in youth by providing a positive ballroom dance experience. And their vision is to provide youth with a positive artistic, social and athletic experience designed to help them be productive community members. 

For the Youth Performing and Competition Teams, The Pacific Ballroom Dance Performing Company now includes more than 150 dancers on 10 Performing Teams of various ages and skill levels (Stars, Preteen, Junior, and Youth) and 16 Competition Teams! Dancers learn choreographed “formation” pieces involving many couples. As the largest ballroom dance organization in the Pacific Northwest, these young people serve as ambassadors and positive role models for youth today.

Pacific Ballroom Dance also has an Adult Academy that provides ballroom instruction for beginner to advanced level adult dancers. Classes run in five-week sessions year-round on weekday evenings. Daytime Tea Dances bring ballroom to our retired community members, and weekend social dances for the public round out the program.