DO-IT Director Declares Virtual Summer Study a Success

DO-IT Director Declares Virtual Summer Study a Success

Seattle, WA. DO-IT Summer Study, the foundational event of the DO-IT Scholars program, was held online this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. During pre-covid times, DO-IT Scholars were able to learn on campus at the University of Washington. Despite the challenges of adapting a traditionally hands-on program to the virtual landscape, Sheryl Burgstahler, DO-IT’s founder and director, declares that the event “went really, really well.”  

The goal of the DO-IT Scholars program is to prepare high school students with disabilities for success in college, careers, and leadership. In a typical year, participants, who are referred to as “Scholars” throughout the program, attend Summer Study at the University of Washington’s Seattle campus.  During the ten-day program,  participants live on campus, attend labs, and lectures with UW faculty, work on projects together, and explore Seattle-area resources and careers. This Summer session has taken place every year since 1993 and served more than 400 Scholars.   

According to Burgstahler, when the DO-IT team realized that Summer Study could not be held in person this year, they considered not running it at all. “It was a challenge because the Summer Program is really about networking,” said Burgstahler.  

To move the program online, the DO-IT team looked at the program’s typical in-person activities and tried to find substitutions that aligned with their goals, and made sense in the virtual format. “We ended up with a lot of things on the cutting room floor,” said Burgstahler.  Some things, like a time-honored activity where participants help each other build kites, could not be run remotely.  

According to Kayla Brown, a counselor and coordinator at DO-IT, the team prioritized activities that they thought best aligned with the program’s goals and values.  This year, they invested a lot of time in a web design workshop.  During the workshop, participants worked together in small teams to develop a DO-IT Summer Study 2020 website. 

DO-IT students conducting an oceanography experiment during a previous summer study program.

According to Brown, although some activities could not be run remotely, the DO-IT team was able to make a virtual version of “pretty much everything” they typically do. Summer Study normally allows participants to network and build relationships with each other. This year, although students could not meet face to face, they were still able to bond through various optional social activities, including game nights, group lunches, a talent show, and a Zoom meeting where everyone, Burgstahler included, shared their pets. “We tried to do our best to make it fun,” said Brown. 

During pre-covid times, DO-IT Scholars were able to network on campus at the University of Washington.

On the academic, career-focused side of the program, participants were still able to meet with, and have one-on-one conversations with faculty via Zoom.  In fact, according to Burgstahler, one of the advantages of having the program online was that participants were able to meet with faculty from outside of Seattle.  Instead of taking a field trip to the Microsoft campus as they would in a typical year, a panel of Microsoft employees with various disabilities joined the DO-IT Scholars in Zoom for a conversation about how work, school, and entertainment can be inclusive through innovative technology.  

DO-IT used Zoom video conferencing software as their primary mode of communication this year; this presented its own challenges. “Logistics were, I wouldn’t say more complicated, just different,” said Burgstahler. Since participants in the program have a variety of disabilities, any software, websites, videos, or other technology resources used in the program need to be fully accessible. Fortunately, DO-IT staff includes some of the world’s leading experts in technology accessibility, so this was an easy transition.  

A group of students enjoying Summer Study

Another challenge DO-IT faced when transitioning Summer Study online was keeping students engaged.  According to Brown, the first thing the DO-IT team had to consider after deciding to run Summer Study virtually was how many hours a day they could keep students behind a screen.  The program is usually very intensive, with the Scholars engaged in activities throughout the day, but that type of engagement can be more difficult to cultivate in the virtual format. “Now they’re at home,” said Brown, “they’re with family, and they have other things they’re doing.” Ultimately, the DO-IT team agreed to reduce the program to a few hours of academic programming per day, with social activities at night. To meet their goals while working with students for less time each day, the team ran the program over three weeks rather than the usual ten days. 

Summer study 2013 phase 1 scholar Nicole Madsen and instructor Jeff Stewart participate in EXO Labs.

“Ultimately, even though it wasn’t perfect, what we learned was that things can be done online,” said Brown.  At the end of the program, students reported back on their experiences.  According to Burgstahler, a lot of them talked about making friends, which shows that Scholars can make the connections DO-IT aims to foster online. Although Burgstahler hopes that the program can be held in-person next year, some of the Scholars have disabilities that make them more vulnerable to COVID-19, so DO-IT must be cautious when deciding whether Summer Study will be held in-person or remotely in 2021.

For more information on the DO-It Scholars Program:

From DO-IT:

The DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology) Center is dedicated to empowering people with disabilities through technology and education. It promotes awareness and accessibility—in both the classroom and the workplace—to maximize the potential of individuals with disabilities and make our communities more vibrant, diverse, and inclusive.

Pacific Science Center Offers New Experiences for Curious Minds

Pacific Science Center Offers New Experiences for Curious Minds

Seattle, Wa. The Pacific Science Center continues to connect with the Seattle-are community by hosting in-person science camps for kids K-8. COVID-19 adaptations include limiting the number of kids in the classroom as well as maintaining social distancing. The in-person summers camps continue through August as do virtual camps that kids enjoy online. Virtual camps for Curious Minds are “hands-on experiences this summer from the comfort of your home”. This multiple-week event allows children to explore “different activities and experiments around a theme, as well as ways to connect with other campers in this new, digital way. Group sizes are kept small and led by two virtual counselors so that experiences are interactive and engaging”. There is still time to sign up for the camps which run through August 28th. The camps are listed here.

A preview for Camps for Curious Minds hosted by Pacific Science Center.

For non-camp related events, there’s also a program called Curiosity at Home. This is an online virtual classroom that is “curating science learning materials for kids and families! Check back often for new content to inspire learners of all ages”. This webpage has many options for children and parents to explore and learn various topics being taught at the Pacific Science Center. An activity included is utilizing the video game Minecraft that allows a user to explore various planets and materials found inside this virtual world. For an interactive approach to exploring more, there are also virtual events and live-streams. These can be found on Facebook and YouTube Live. This virtual classroom allows children to “join us and meet some of our animals, caretakers, educators, and scientists in the community, as well as try fun at-home experiments”. There are new live shows being published on YouTube every week. Going over various topics in STEM and exploring other sciences and their properties in 20-30 minute videos.

Staying Safe and Curious during the Curiosity Summer Camp -2020.

The Pacific Science Center is also providing links to talk about more serious subjects with children and families. Such as “Talking to Kids about Race and Racism” where Pacific Science Center gives resources that help make understanding of such a hard but necessary topic. Other resources given explain the celebration of Juneteenth as well as many other subjects based on race. There are also documentary suggestions to help explain climate change and how it affects our environment around us. For parents, there are educator’s guides to help coach children through various subjects. The Pacific Science Center’s goal is to help people understand the “Science is for everyone. We believe that curiosity and critical thinking are essential to equity and justice for all. We embrace science as a process of inquiry, discovery, and problem-solving that helps us better understand our universe and each other. Science has the power to connect people and to develop solutions for the common good”.

Experimenting with Ooze at the Curiosity Summer Camp -2020,

Pacific Science Center Mission Statement: 

Pacific Science Center ignites curiosity in every child and fuels a passion for discovery, experimentation, and critical thinking in all of us.

Pacific Science Center Location and Contact Information:

Pacific Science Center 200 Second Avenue North, Seattle, Washington 98109

General Inquiries (206) 443-2001